Tag Archives: Robert Pattinson Comic Book Gets New Preview Page

Robert Pattinson Comic Gets New Cover

See the pre­view page, after the jump!

Last month, we gave you the first look at Lady Gaga on the cover of “Fame,” Blue­wa­ter Pro­duc­tions’ new line of celebrity biog­ra­phy comics. While Gaga’s debut was cer­tainly big news, “Twi­light” fans were most excited about the pres­ence of fran­chise actors Robert Pat­tin­son and Kris­ten Stew­art in the “Fame” lineup.

Now, we have your first look at a new cover for “Fame: Robert Pat­tin­son,” as well as an exclu­sive pre­view of inte­rior art from the comic. Arriv­ing on shelves in May, the 32-page comic promises to “trace Pattinson’s career from his first per­for­mance in Tess of the D’Urbervilles at London’s Barnes The­atre to his star turn in the Twi­light movies.”

Read on for two cov­ers from “Fame: Robert Pat­tin­son” (includ­ing a new cover by Paul Andrew Man­ton), as well as an exclu­sive page of unfin­ished inte­rior art from artist Nathaniel Ooten. The comic is writ­ten by Kim Sherman.

Offi­cial press release text:

Mil­lions know Eng­lish actor Robert Pat­tin­son as Edward Cullen, the vam­pire with a con­science in the films Twi­light and The Twi­light Saga: New Moon, the fantasy/romance movies based on Stephe­nie Meyer’s famous book series.

But there’s more to Pat­tin­son than fake fangs, far­away looks and tou­sled hair. Pat­tin­son is an accom­plished musi­cian, a for­mer model and an actor who’s played both a wiz­ard at Harry Potter’s Hog­warts School and the artist Sal­vador Dali.

Blue­wa­ter Pro­duc­tions in May will ship FAME: Robert Pat­tin­son to comic book shops and retail­ers across the coun­try. This 32-page comic will trace Pattinson’s career from his first per­for­mance in Tess of the D’Urbervilles at London’s Barnes The­atre to his star turn in the Twi­light movies.

Writer Kim Sher­man said that she is eager to intro­duce fans to the many sides of Pattinson.

“I love hav­ing the abil­ity to intro­duce high-profile peo­ple to read­ers through an unex­pected medium that is both writ­ten and visual,” Sher­man said. “These biog­ra­phy comics are designed to illus­trate inter­est­ing tid­bits to fans about their favorite fig­ure­heads, and inspire them to learn more. I chose to con­cep­tu­al­ize A-lister Robert Pat­tin­son from a unique per­spec­tive, immers­ing the reader into the life of the tal­ented actor beyond his most famous role.”

Count inte­rior artist Nathaniel Ooten as one reader who’s gained a new appre­ci­a­tion for Pattinson’s career since read­ing Sherman’s script.

“Work­ing on this book has opened an entirely new level of Rob Pat­tin­son for me,” Ooten said. “Before start­ing, I was only aware of the ‘teenage vam­pire’ Pat­tin­son. After read­ing the script, study­ing the sub­ject and lis­ten­ing to his music, I not only became very inter­ested in Pattinson’s future work, but also dis­cov­ered a new appre­ci­a­tion for this ‘teenage vampire.’”

Blue­wa­ter pres­i­dent Dar­ren G. Davis said that he expects Pattinson’s biog­ra­phy to be as pop­u­lar among Twi­light fans as was the comic biog­ra­phy of writer Meyer, which Blue­wa­ter pub­lished in Novem­ber of 2009. That par­tic­u­lar biog­ra­phy has sold out of sev­eral printings.

“Twi­light fans want to know every­thing about the tal­ented peo­ple who have brought them the story of Edward and Bella,” Davis said. “I’m pleased to be able to bring them Robert Pattinson’s story. It’s our hope that even the most devoted fans will dis­cover a fact or two that takes them com­pletely by surprise.”

FAME: Robert Pat­tin­son is part of Bluewater’s much-publicized, and pop­u­lar, line of bio­graph­i­cal comics. The FAME series will also include comic biogra­phies of Lady GaGa, 50 Cent, Tiger Woods and David Beck­ham. Blue­wa­ter Pro­duc­tions also pub­lishes biogra­phies of influ­en­tial polit­i­cal fig­ures such as Al Gore, Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama. Many of these comics, too, have sold out sev­eral printings.

Source: 1 , 2

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